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If you are experiencing a worsening of your mental health there are services available to support you. Although some of these are called “crisis” helplines, it is important to understand that you do not have to be actively suicidal or in imminent danger to use them. It is generally much better to access support early than to wait for problems to worsen.
We encourage you to make an appointment at the practice to discuss your mental health if you feel it is becoming worse. If you already have an appointment for this purpose and feel things are getting worse more quickly than before, please contact the practice to check whether a more urgent appointment can be made.
If at any time you are in crisis and feel you cannot keep yourself safe, please call 999 or attend A&E. This is the best way to maintain your safety in an emergency, and you can be seen there by mental health professionals.
0800 014 9995
This is a 24/7 helpline staffed by mental health professionals working for the local mental health NHS trust.
0161 330 9223
The local branch of the Mind organisation can also be visited directly on most days between 8am and 8pm at: 19-25 Union St, Oldham, OL1 1HA.
116 123
This is a 24/7 national helpline for anyone who wants to talk to someone urgently about how they are feeling.
0800 689 5652 or 0800 689 0880
This line is open from 6pm to midnight every day, and is available for anyone to call who is having thoughts of suicide or self harm.
0300 304 7000
SANE is an independent mental health charity. Its helpline is open between 4pm and 10pm every day.
0800 068 41 41 or text 88247 or email
Papyrus is a charity for the prevention of suicide and promotion of positive mental health in young people. You can access their Hopeline 24/7 via phone, text or email if you are under the age of 35.
0800 4 70 80 90
The Silver Line is a 24/7 helpline run by Age UK for friendship, conversation and support for people aged 55 or over.
0800 58 58 58
CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) is an organisation that aims to improve mental health and prevent suicide. It has been more commonly focused on men’s mental health, but provides support for anyone who needs it. The helpline is open 5pm to midnight every day.
Quayside Medical Practice
Keppel Building, Ashton Road West, Failsworth, Manchester, M35 0AD.
Tel: 0161 357 1600
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